Root Chakra Masterclass: Free Online Chakra Course

I'm offering my most requested class, the root chakra masterclass from the embodied chakra course for my community. This 60-minute root chakra masterclass dives into what embodying the root chakra actually means. From working through the archetypes that are held within the root, to discussing why being a victim is necessary when we've experienced trauma and discussing where your true power comes from- this isn't your average root chakra class where we discuss the facts of what to eat or what to wear to help.

This free root chakra workshop is designed for those who are ready to explore their chakra system through embodiment and a deep exploration of the root chakra. Some of this workshop may surprise you, it may even piss you off a little. And that's ok. I'd love to hear what resonated with you, what didn't or any insights you've gathered.

In holistic health,

Adrenna Nicole Anzaldua


Managing Psychic Abilities: An Online Course for Empaths, Psychics, and Sensitives


How do I know if I have trauma stored in my body?