What is Spiritual Psychosis? From Enlightenment to Madness

what is spiritual psychosis? how do you know if you are going crazy or you are spiritually awakening? the relationship between mental health and spirituality | Adrenna Anzaldua | somatic spiritual therapist | shamanic practitioner

Navigating Spiritual Psychosis: Signs, Symptoms and Understanding the Journey

Are you experiencing unusual thoughts or perceptions that seem beyond explanation? Do you feel on the cusp of a profound spiritual awakening, yet simultaneously fear it could be spiraling you into a state of madness? If so, you may find yourself in the enigmatic domain known as spiritual psychosis.

In this enlightening and empathetic discourse, we will explore the complex intersection of spirituality and mental health, delving deep into the signs and symptoms of spiritual psychosis. How can we distinguish between a potentially transformative spiritual awakening and a genuine mental health crisis? Is there a blurred line between enlightenment and insanity, or are they completely distinct experiences?

Drawing from personal experiences of a traumatic holotropic breathwork session that descended into a terrifying journey through my own version of hell, this discussion aims to shed light on the dark corners of spiritual awakening. What once felt like a beautiful connection to everything turned into a horrifying ordeal, especially within my own mind. I descended into a realm of confusion and chaos, leading to psychiatric stays, professional help, and the diagnosis of spiritual psychosis.

Our aim is to guide you through this intricate territory with compassion and knowledge, providing insights and resources to help make sense of your own journey. With a deep understanding of trauma recovery, we provide validation, reassurance, and a path towards healing and empowerment.

Join us as we untangle the complex threads of spiritual psychosis, offering a balanced perspective that respects both the transformative potential and the potential risks involved. Discover the signs that may indicate whether you're embarking on a path of spiritual awakening or veering towards a mental health crisis.

Understanding the spiritual journey

The spiritual journey is a deeply personal and transformative experience that often involves seeking a higher meaning or purpose in life. It can encompass various practices such as meditation, prayer, or engaging with spiritual communities. For many, this journey is a source of solace, guidance, and personal growth. However, for a small subset of individuals, the spiritual path can lead to a state of psychosis.

Spiritual psychosis is characterized by a distortion of reality, delusions, hallucinations, and an overall disconnection from the external world. These symptoms can be frightening and overwhelming, causing significant distress and impairing daily functioning. It is important to note that spiritual psychosis is distinct from a spiritual awakening or mystical experience, which typically involves a sense of interconnectedness and transcendence rather than pathological symptoms.

How Do I Know It's Psychosis or Spiritual Awakening?

Understanding the difference between spiritual psychosis and spiritual awakening can be challenging, especially because both experiences often involve deep self-exploration and a shift in one's perception of reality. I also look at it as if it was on a spectrum and a spiritual awakening can easily lead to spiritual psychosis, although they are However, there are key distinctions that can help you differentiate between the two states:

Signs of Spiritual Psychosis

  • Disconnection from Reality: This is often the defining characteristic of spiritual psychosis. Individuals may have difficulty distinguishing their internal thoughts and perceptions from the external world1.

  • Distressing Hallucinations or Delusions: While hallucinations or delusions can occur in both spiritual psychosis and enlightenment, they tend to cause significant distress and fear in the former1.

  • Impaired Functioning: People experiencing spiritual psychosis often find it hard to manage daily tasks and responsibilities due to overwhelming symptoms.

  • Social Withdrawal: Isolation from friends, family, and social activities is common, as individuals may feel misunderstood or persecuted1.

  • Emotional Instability: Rapid mood swings, ranging from euphoria to profound sadness or agitation, can occur.

Signs of Spiritual Awakening

  • Sense of Connectedness: Awakening often brings a sense of unity with the universe and a deeper understanding of one's place within it.

  • Inner Peace: Despite the profound changes in perception, individuals experiencing enlightenment usually report a sense of calm and inner tranquility.

  • Positive Transformations: Enlightenment can lead to positive changes in one's attitudes, behaviors, and relationships. This includes increased compassion, empathy, and understanding.

  • Enhanced Self-awareness: Individuals may develop a heightened awareness of their thoughts, feelings, and actions, leading to personal growth and self-improvement.

  • Sustainable Shifts: Unlike the transient and often chaotic nature of spiritual psychosis, the shifts in consciousness associated with enlightenment are typically sustainable and integrated smoothly into daily life.

The connection between spiritual awakening and psychosis

The relationship between spiritual awakening and psychosis is complex and multifaceted. While spiritual experiences can be transformative and lead to profound personal growth, they can also trigger psychological vulnerabilities and destabilize an individual's mental state. Spiritual awakening nvolves a deepening of self-awareness and expanded consciousness, which can disrupt established belief systems and challenge one's perception of reality. This disruption, if not properly managed, can manifest as symptoms of psychosis.

It is important to differentiate between a healthy spiritual awakening and spiritual psychosis. A spiritual awakening is characterized by a sense of interconnectedness, compassion, and a shift in one's perspective. It is a gradual and transformative process that often brings about positive changes in an individual's life. On the other hand, spiritual psychosis involves a loss of touch with reality and can be distressing for the individual experiencing it.

The dangers of unchecked spiritual practices

Engaging in spiritual practices without proper guidance and self-awareness can increase the risk of developing spiritual psychosis. It is essential to approach spirituality with caution and ensure a balanced approach. Unchecked spiritual practices can lead to a preoccupation with esoteric knowledge, an obsession with achieving spiritual enlightenment at any cost, and a neglect of one's physical and mental well-being.

Unresolved/Unhealed Childhood Trauma

Childhood trauma can leave significant emotional and psychological scars. During a spiritual awakening, unresolved or unhealed traumas may resurface, leading to intense emotional reactions and potential disconnection from reality. This could, in turn, trigger spiritual psychosis. Working with a spiritual healer who specializes in trauma recovery can be extremely beneficial in such cases. Their expertise and personal experiences can provide invaluable insights and guidance on your healing journey. Remember, it's never too late to heal, and you don't have to do it alone.

Rapid Spiritual Progress

Sometimes, an individual's spiritual progress may outpace their psychological readiness or ability to integrate new insights into their daily lives. This rapid progression can cause a disorienting shift in perception, potentially contributing to spiritual psychosis. If you feel overwhelmed by the pace of your spiritual journey, consider reaching out to a spiritual healer. They can help you ground your experiences and integrate them into your life in a balanced and sustainable way.

Lack of Guidance

Navigating a spiritual awakening without proper guidance or support can be overwhelming. The lack of grounded direction may lead to misinterpretations of experiences and potentially precipitate spiritual psychosis. Having a knowledgeable guide who has walked this path before can make all the difference. A spiritual healer can provide the necessary support, guidance, and reassurance to help you navigate your spiritual journey safely and effectively.

In conclusion, if you're experiencing any distressing symptoms during your spiritual journey, don't hesitate to seek professional help. There's no need to walk this path alone—help and support are available, and it's okay to ask for it.

Coping Strategies for Navigating Spiritual Psychosis

If you or someone close to you is navigating the waters of spiritual psychosis, it's crucial to seek professional help. While this may be a challenging step to take, sometimes seeking assistance from a psychiatric hospital or mental health professional can be the most beneficial tool we have to ensure safety and recovery.

In addition to professional support, there are practical and embodied coping strategies that can be beneficial in managing the symptoms:

Build a Support Network

Surround yourself with individuals who understand and empathize with your journey. This network could include friends, family, or support groups. Having people around you who validate your experiences can be a significant source of comfort during challenging times.

Prioritize Self-Care

Taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being is paramount. Engage in activities that bring you joy, promote relaxation, and help you stay grounded. This could include anything from taking a walk in nature, practicing yoga, cooking a nutritious meal, or simply taking time to rest.

Practice Grounding Techniques

Grounding techniques such as mindfulness, deep breathing, and body scanning exercises can help anchor you in the present moment. These practices can provide a sense of stability when your perceptions or emotions feel overwhelming.

Seek Spiritual Guidance

Connecting with a spiritual teacher or mentor who has walked a similar path can provide invaluable guidance. Such individuals can offer insights and supportive strategies to help you navigate your spiritual journey while managing your mental health.

Consider Professional Mental Health Support

Although it might be difficult to consider, sometimes the best resource for managing spiritual psychosis is professional mental health support. Whether it's outpatient therapy, inpatient care at a psychiatric hospital, or medication management, these resources can be essential tools in maintaining safety and promoting recovery.

Each person's journey with spiritual psychosis is unique, and what works for one individual may not resonate with another. It's important to explore different strategies, find what works best for you, and always seek professional guidance for personalized support. Remember, there's no need to navigate this path alone—help is available, and it's okay to ask for it.


Understanding the difference between spiritual psychosis and spiritual awakening can be challenging. Spiritual experiences can be transformative and lead to profound personal growth, but can also trigger psychological vulnerabilities and destabilize an individual's mental state. Spiritual awakening involves a deepening of self-awareness and expanded consciousness, which can disrupt established belief systems and challenge one's perception of reality. This disruption, if not properly managed, can manifest as symptoms of psychosis. It is important to differentiate between a healthy spiritual awakening and spiritual psychosis. A spiritual awakening is characterized by a sense of interconnectedness, compassion, and a shift in one's perspective. It is a gradual and transformative process that often brings about positive changes in an individual's life. On the other hand, spiritual psychosis involves a distorted perception of reality and involves individuals who are experiencing signs of cognitive decline.

If you're teetering on the edge of spiritual awakening and spiritual psychosis, reach out today. Together, we can navigate this journey. If I find your situation needs resources beyond my scope, I will guide you towards local professionals who can provide further support.

Remember, if you're experiencing suicidal thoughts or contemplating harm to others, it's crucial to seek immediate help. This discussion isn't a substitute for professional medical advice. Your well-being matters, and there is always help available. Don't hesitate to reach out—you are not alone.


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