Is Somatic Therapy New Age?

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What is somatic therapy?

Somatic therapy is a holistic approach to mental wellness that recognizes the intricate connection between the mind and the body. Unlike traditional therapy that primarily focuses on talk therapy, somatic therapy incorporates the body's physical sensations and experiences in the healing process. It aims to address and release emotional traumas that are stored in the body, leading to a deeper understanding and resolution of mental health issues.

Understanding the mind-body connection

The mind-body connection is a fundamental principle in somatic therapy. It recognizes that our thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations are interconnected and influence each other. When we experience stress, anxiety, or trauma, our bodies often respond with physical symptoms such as tension, pain, or discomfort. Somatic therapy acknowledges this connection and works towards restoring balance and harmony between the mind and body.

The origins of somatic therapy

Somatic therapy finds its roots in various ancient healing practices, such as yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. These practices have long understood the significance of the mind-body connection and have been used for centuries to promote overall well-being. In the 20th century, pioneers like Wilhelm Reich and Moshe Feldenkrais further developed somatic therapy techniques, focusing on the body's role in healing psychological wounds.

How somatic therapy works

Somatic therapy works by helping individuals become more aware of their bodily sensations, emotions, and patterns of tension. Through gentle movements, breathing exercises, and mindfulness techniques, somatic therapists guide clients in exploring their internal experiences. This exploration allows for the release of stored emotions and traumas, leading to increased self-awareness and a greater sense of well-being.

Somatic therapy also emphasizes the importance of the therapeutic relationship between the client and the therapist. Trust and safety are essential components of the healing process, as clients are encouraged to express and process their emotions in a supportive environment.

The benefits of somatic therapy for mental wellness

Somatic therapy offers a range of benefits for mental wellness. By addressing the mind-body connection, it can help individuals:

  1. Reduce stress and anxiety: Somatic therapy provides tools and techniques to manage stress and anxiety by releasing tension held in the body. Clients learn to recognize and regulate their physical and emotional responses, leading to a greater sense of calm and relaxation.

  2. Heal trauma: Somatic therapy is particularly effective in healing trauma. By accessing and releasing trapped emotions and sensations, individuals can process and integrate traumatic experiences, leading to a reduction in symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, and hypervigilance.

  3. Improve self-awareness: Through somatic therapy, individuals develop a deeper understanding of their bodies and emotions. This self-awareness allows for more conscious choices and a greater sense of agency in one's life.

  4. Enhance emotional regulation: Somatic therapy helps individuals develop the skills to regulate their emotions effectively. By learning to recognize and work with bodily sensations, individuals can manage and express their emotions in healthier ways.

  5. Promote overall well-being: Somatic therapy fosters a sense of wholeness and integration between the mind and body. By addressing the underlying causes of mental health issues, individuals can experience lasting improvements in their overall well-being.

Somatic therapy techniques and exercises

Somatic therapy incorporates a variety of techniques and exercises to facilitate healing and increase self-awareness. Some common techniques include:

  1. Body scanning: This technique involves systematically scanning the body for areas of tension or discomfort. By bringing awareness to these areas, individuals can release physical and emotional tension.

  2. Breathing exercises: Deep, conscious breathing can help individuals regulate their nervous system and reduce stress. Somatic therapists often teach specific breathing techniques to promote relaxation and grounding.

  3. Movement and embodiment: Somatic therapy encourages gentle, mindful movement to increase body awareness. This can include techniques like yoga, dance, or simply exploring different ways of moving and experiencing the body.

  4. Sensory awareness: Somatic therapy emphasizes tuning into the senses to enhance present-moment awareness. This can involve focusing on sensations such as touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound to cultivate a deeper connection with the body.

Somatic therapy in practice: real-life success stories

Somatic therapy has shown remarkable results in helping individuals overcome mental health challenges. Here are two inspiring real-life success stories:

  1. Jane, a survivor of childhood trauma, struggled with anxiety and panic attacks for years. Through somatic therapy, she learned to tune into her body's sensations and release the stored trauma. Over time, Jane experienced a significant reduction in anxiety symptoms and regained a sense of control over her life.

  2. Mike, who had a history of chronic pain and depression, sought somatic therapy as a last resort. Through the exploration of his body's messages and the release of emotional pain, Mike experienced a profound shift in his well-being. His pain diminished, and he found a renewed sense of purpose and joy in life.

These stories highlight the transformative power of somatic therapy in helping individuals heal from past wounds and reclaim their lives.

Is somatic therapy the new age solution for mental wellness?

Somatic therapy is gaining recognition as an effective approach to mental wellness in today's fast-paced, stress-filled world. Its emphasis on the mind-body connection aligns with the growing understanding of holistic well-being. While it may be considered "new age" in the sense that it integrates ancient wisdom with modern therapeutic techniques, somatic therapy is firmly grounded in research and clinical practice.

By acknowledging the importance of the body in the healing process, somatic therapy offers a unique and powerful solution for mental wellness. It complements traditional therapy approaches by providing a deeper somatic understanding of the individual's experiences and emotions. Somatic therapy is not a replacement for traditional therapy but can be a valuable addition to one's mental wellness toolbox.

Somatic therapy vs. traditional therapy: a comparison

Somatic therapy and traditional therapy have distinct approaches and focus areas. Traditional therapy often relies on verbal communication and cognitive processing to explore emotions and thoughts. Somatic therapy, on the other hand, integrates the wisdom of the body and emphasizes physical sensations to access and release emotional trauma.

Both approaches have their strengths and can be beneficial depending on the individual's needs. Traditional therapy may be more suitable for individuals who find comfort in talking through their experiences and analyzing their thoughts. Somatic therapy, on the other hand, is a powerful option for those who feel disconnected from their bodies or struggle with physical symptoms related to their mental health.

Finding a qualified somatic therapist

If you are interested in exploring somatic therapy, it is essential to find a qualified and experienced somatic therapist. Here are a few tips to help you in your search:

  1. Research credentials: Look for therapists who have received specialized training in somatic therapy from reputable institutions. Check their credentials and certifications to ensure they have the necessary expertise.

  2. Read reviews and testimonials: Look for reviews or testimonials from previous clients to get a sense of the therapist's approach and effectiveness. Positive feedback and success stories can be indicators of a skilled practitioner.

  3. Reach out: Use this opportunity to ask questions, discuss your concerns, and get a feel for the therapist's style and approach. It's important to find someone who feels like a good fit for you.

  4. Trust your intuition: Ultimately, trust your instincts when choosing a somatic therapist. Pay attention to how you feel during the initial consultation and whether you feel safe and supported. A strong therapeutic alliance is crucial for the effectiveness of somatic therapy.

Incorporating somatic therapy into your mental wellness routine

If you decide to incorporate somatic therapy into your mental wellness routine, here are a few ways to get started:

  1. Find a qualified somatic therapist: Follow the tips mentioned earlier to find a therapist who specializes in somatic therapy and resonates with you.

  2. Commit to regular sessions: Consistency is key in somatic therapy. Commit to regular sessions to allow for the deep healing and transformation that somatic therapy can offer.

  3. Practice self-care: Alongside therapy sessions, prioritize self-care activities that support your overall well-being. This can include activities like meditation, yoga, journaling, or engaging in hobbies that bring you joy.

  4. Stay curious and open: Somatic therapy is a journey of self-exploration. Approach it with curiosity and an open mind, allowing yourself to discover new insights and experiences along the way.


Somatic therapy is a powerful and innovative approach to mental wellness that recognizes the inseparable connection between the mind and body. By incorporating the body's wisdom and addressing the mind-body connection, somatic therapy offers a unique and effective solution for healing emotional wounds and promoting overall well-being.

While it may be considered a "new age" solution, somatic therapy is firmly grounded in research and clinical practice. Its benefits for reducing stress, healing trauma, and enhancing self-awareness are supported by real-life success stories and growing recognition in the field of mental health.

If you're seeking a holistic approach to mental wellness, consider exploring the power of somatic therapy. Schedule a somatic healing session with Adrenna and embark on a transformative journey towards greater self-awareness, healing, and well-being.


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